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outcropping Meaning in Tamil ( outcropping வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

பயிர் ச்செய்கை

outcropping's Usage Examples:

from the sea near Karachi the Hab river is the boundary of Sind, and here, across the enclosing desolation of outcropping ridges and intervening sand, a road may be found into Makran.

He dropped the camera and peered over the edge of the cliff but the outcropping blocked his view of anything below.

The eastern elevation is a ridge or cuesta formed by an outcropping hard layer of the ancient coastal plain; and it separates the Wisconsin river basin from the Fox River Valley and the streams flowing into Lake Michigan.

in central Nebraska, outcropping again only in the Rocky Mountains.

The general character of the landscape in the Eastern Division is a succession of steep escarpments formed by the edges of the outcropping beds of harder rock, and long gentle slopes or plains on the dip-slopes, or on the softer layers; clay and hard rock alternating throughout the series.

Lignitic dial was discovered on or near the coast of Coos Bay as early as 1855, and this is still the only productive coalfield within the state, although there are outcroppings of the mineral all along the Coast Range N.

Tonopah is at the outcropping of a number of ledges which continue for several hundred feet below the surface for an unknown distance.

A large outcropping of rock made it impossible for a climber more than just a few feet below the edge, to see anyone above him.

It's gone, kaput, and signs obliterated?from the sea near Karachi the Hab river is the boundary of Sind, and here, across the enclosing desolation of outcropping ridges and intervening sand, a road may be found into Makran.

The magic trickled, and he glanced towards the female form in an outcropping of boulders nearby.

Finally they descended into a low place in the ravine, momentarily putting an outcropping between them and the Indians who waited.

She glanced around at the rock outcroppings.

"The trail wound around pine trees and over rock outcroppings.


outthrust, outcrop, stone, belay, rock outcrop, rock,


disappear, artifact, achromatic, unfasten, bad person,

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