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ottos Meaning in Tamil ( ottos வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



ottos's Usage Examples:

"They are small grottos cut in the rock.

Personal goals or mottos: Phrases about goals or mottos are perfect for scrapbook pages about activities, such as sports, where you have certain goals to achieve.

In the neighbourhood is the celebrated Aggtelek or Baradla cavern, one of the largest and most remarkable stalactite grottos in Europe.

As seen from the rock of Ghulgulah, Bamian, with its ruined towers, its colossi, its innumerable grottos, and with the singular red colour of its barren soil, presents an impressive aspect of desolation and mystery.

Radowitz published, in addition to several political treatises, Ikonographie der Heiligen,, ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte (Berlin, 1834) and Devisen and Mottos des spdtern Mittelalters (ib.

Amongst the best-known are the grottos of Adelsberg, the larger ones of Planina and the Kreuzberghohle near Laas.

Its gardens, however, with their clipped hedges, grottos, fountains, and cypress avenues, are said to retain their original Moorish character.

He is always associated with his brother Trophonius as a wonderful architect, the constructor of underground shrines and grottos for the reception of hidden treasure.

At Syracuse also there are very extensive catacombs known as " the Grottos of St John.

Near it are two grottos 1 To the period after 335 belong numerous silver and bronze coins with the legend Caleno.

"Many people do this, with swallows and sparrows carrying the names of deceased loved ones and other banners bearing personal mottos.

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