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otherwise Meaning in Tamil ( otherwise வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



otherwise தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

தகவல்கள் இல்லையெனின் இல்லையெனின் இல்லாத தகவல்களை உருவாக்குதல் அல்லது உருவாக்கச் செய்தல்.

திருக்கோவிலூர் பேருந்து நிலையத்திலிருந்து நகரப் பேருந்துகள் (டவுன் பஸ்கள்) எண்:5,20 ரிஷிவந்தியத்திற்கு சோழபாண்டியபுரம் வழியாக செல்கிறது இதில் செல்லலாம்,இல்லையெனின் ஜீ.

otherwise's Usage Examples:

In 1913 the Germans sent in a petition that each nationality should pay the costs of its own educational and cultural institutions, as otherwise one nationality would have to bear the expenses of the other, and vice versa.

This transplanting acts as a kind of check, which is rather beneficial than otherwise.

The paperwork otherwise had nothing to do with Toby or their accusation that she abandoned her kid on the Metro.

Whether any earlier attempt was made to adjust the civil to the solar or Sothic year in order to restore the festivals to their proper places in the seasons temporarily or otherwise, is a question of great importance for chronology, but at present it remains unanswered.

In many places the hillsides, otherwise too steep for cultivation, are cut into terraced fields supported by stone walls; the name given by the Greek geographers to the range of S.

His grouping is generally very different from Garrod's, but displays as much artificiality: for instance, Nestor is referred to the family which is otherwise composed of the cockatoos.

His chief literary work was An Alarm to the Unconverted (1672), otherwise known as The Sure Guide to Heaven, which had an enormous circulation.

The diet can be vegan, but some raw food enthusiasts are vegetarian and consume unpasteurized or otherwise untreated dairy products and raw eggs.

They are accompanied by intercellular channels serving for the conduction of oxygen to, and carbon dioxide from, the living cells in the interior of the wood, which would otherwise be cut off from the means of respiration.

Its scope, wide as the universe, can be compassed no otherwise than bystatistical means p and the collection of materials for this purpose involves most arduous preliminary labour.


other than, differently,


familiar, future, present,

otherwise's Meaning in Other Sites