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ornithology Meaning in Tamil ( ornithology வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பறவையியல் நூல்,

ornithology தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவ்வினத்தின் கவர்ச்சியான ஈருருத் தோற்றம் காரணமாக, உயிரியல் நூல்களிலும், பறவையியல் நூல்களிலும் இவை அடிக்கடி குறிப்பிடப்பட்டாலும், இவற்றின் உயிரியல் தொடர்பாக அதிகமாக எதுவும் தெரியாது.

ornithology's Usage Examples:

Apart from its intrinsic merits as a learned and valuable addition to classification, this work is interesting in the history of ornithology because of the wholesale changes of nomenclature it introduced as the result of much diligence and zeal in the application of the strict rule of priority to the names of birds.

A similar bibliography of Russian ornithology by Alexander Brandt was printed at St Petersburg in 1877 or 1878.

4 Taking his labours as a whole, there cannot be a doubt that he enormously enlarged the purview of naturalists, and, even if limited to birds, that, on the completion of his work upon them in 1783, ornithology stood in a very different position from that which it had before occupied.

4 A useful compendium of Greek and Turkish ornithology by Drs Kruper and Hartlaub is contained in Mommsen's Griechische Jahrzeiten for 1875 (Heft III.

The ornithology of New South Wales and Queensland is more varied and interesting than that of the other provinces.

Both words have passed into modern ornithology, the latter as the generic name of the STILT; and some writers have blended the two in the strange and impossible compound Haemantopus.

At the same place appeared in 1767 Leem's work, De Lapponibus Finmarchiae, to which Gunnerus contributed some good notes on the ornithology of northern Norway, and at Copenhagen and Leipzig was published in 1780 the Fauna Groenlandica of Otho Fabricius.

But, relieved as it may be by reflections of this kind - dreams some may perhaps still call them - the study of ornithology has unquestionably become harder and more serious; and a corresponding change in the style of investigation, followed in the works that remain to be considered, will be immediately perceptible.

The good effects of " Faunal " works such as those named in the foregoing rapid survey none can doubt, but important as they are, they do not of themselves constitute ornithology as a science; and an inquiry, no less wide and far more recondite, still remains.

In this last work, small though it be, ornithology has a good share; and all three may still be consulted with interest and advantage by its votaries.

Confining our attention here to ornithology, Cuvier's arrangement of the class Aver is now seen to be not very much better than any which it superseded.


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