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orff Meaning in Tamil ( orff வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


orff தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

உருளிப்பட்டைத் தயாரிப்புடன் பதமாகுமுன்பான உருளிப்பட்டை புதுப்பிப்பு சேவைகளை எம்ஆர்ஃப் பிரீட்ரீட்சு மூலமும், தூக்கிப்பட்டைகளை எம்ஆர்எஃப் மசில்பிளெக்சு மூலமும் விற்று வருகிறது.

orff's Usage Examples:

The Kaiser was exceedingly angry and gave vent to his feelings in a letter to "Nicky:" "Like brigands in a wood he has sent Benckendorff - your Ambassador - to Copenhagen on a clandestine mission to your mother, with the instructions to win her over to influence you for a policy against me.

Bernstorff, who aimed at steering clear of all foreign complications and preserving inviolable the neutrality of Denmark.

The course of electrical events attending the operation of a Ruhmkorff coil being extremely complicated, special interest attaches to some experiments conducted by John Trowbridge and T.

His connexion with Ludendorff led to his becoming an influence behind the scenes in German politics, and, after the revolution, to his entering the Reichstag, as well as to his debut as a newspaper proprietor on a grand scale.

He was guided in turn by the inconsistent advice of Schmerling, Rechberg, Mensdorff, not to mention more obscure counsellors, and it is not surprising that Austria was repeatedly outmatched and outwitted by Prussia.

Poggendorff, Biograph.

Naundorff, or Naundorff, who had arrived from nowhere in Berlin in 1810, with papers giving the name Karl Wilhelm Naundorff, in order to escape the persecutions of which he declared himself the object, settled at Spandau in 1812 as a clockmaker, and married in 1818 Johanna Einert.

Poggendorff was admirably qualified for the post.

Why didn't anyone notice the coolness between them?The coolness and firmness of Bernstorff saved the situation.

The indicator was connected with a Ruhmkorff coil or other equivalent apparatus, designed to cause a continual succession of sparks to pass between the indicator and a metal plate situated beneath it and having a plane surface parallel to its line of motion.

The government, under the direction of such enlightened ministers as Bernstorff, Reventlow and others, held the mean between Struensee's extravagant cosmopolitanism and Guldberg's stiff conservatism.

Poggendorff was a physicist of high although not of the very highest rank.

For this mischievous and immoral alliance, which bound Denmark to the wheels of the Russian empress's chariot and sought to interfere in the internal affairs of a neighbouring state, Bernstorff was scarcely responsible, for the preliminaries had been definitely settled in his uncle's time and he merely concluded them.

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