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ordinal Meaning in Tamil ( ordinal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

சமயத்துறைப் பணியேடு

ordinal's Usage Examples:

There is nothing in the Anglican ordinal to show that the Holy Ghost is given for the consecration of a bishop in the Roman sense.

The preface to the ordinal (1550) goes farther.

The definitions of the finite ordinals can be expressed without use of the corresponding cardinals, so there is no essential priority of cardinals to ordinals.

Similarly, a class of serial relations, called well-ordered serial relations, can be defined, such that their corresponding relation-numbers include the ordinary finite ordinals, but also include relation-numbers which have many properties like those of the finite ordinals, though the fields of the relations belonging to them are not finite.

A general uniformity of the trunk-limbs in Isopoda justifies the ordinal name, but the valviferous Astacillidae, and among the Asellota the Munnopsidae, offer some remarkable exceptions to this characteristic.

are used sometimes as ordinals, i.

On the whole, the ordinal use is perhaps the more common.

we are regarding the numbers as ordinal, not cardinal.

Roman authorities have from the beginning and throughout consistently repudiated orders given according to the Edwardine ordinal.

This relation-number is the ordinal number corresponding to n; let it be symbolized by it.

Williams: " Proof theoretic ordinals and hierarchies " .

In the case of lists and schedules the numbers are only ordinals; but in the case of mathematical or statistical tables they are usually regarded as cardinals,though, when they represent values of a continuous quantity, they must be regarded as ordinals (§§ 26, 93).

Another expression of the same method, due to Cope, and specially valuable to the taxonomist, is that when the relationship between orders is being considered, characters of subordinal rank must be neglected.


155th, 125th, 140th, forty-seventh, 150th, 11th, 105th, thirty-eighth, 9th, hundred-and-twentieth, two-hundredth, centesimal, 75th, ninety-fifth, eighteenth, twenty-sixth, thirty-fourth, 180th, fifth, 2d, hundred-and-forty-fifth, 50th, ninetieth, 90th, 55th, 80th, three-hundredth, twenty-third, 14th, forty-first, 37th, 27th, 40th, 3rd, four-hundredth, hundred-and-fortieth, fortieth, 190th, 100th, thirty-sixth, eleventh, seventy-fifth, forty-sixth, forty-fourth, hundred-and-seventy-fifth, forty-eighth, thirty-ninth, hundred-and-tenth, quaternary, 24th, 47th, twenty-fifth, fiftieth, 29th, 145th, tertiary, thirty-second, 115th, n-th, 175th, hundred-and-fiftieth, hundred-and-fifth, 41st, 64th, quintillionth, 34th, 120th, 95th, hundred-and-thirty-fifth, 300th, thirty-third, 38th, 42nd, 23rd, 26th, 6th, 48th, ninth, hundred-and-sixty-fifth, 16th, fourth, 110th, hundredth, 170th, hundred-and-fifteenth, thirty-seventh, 1000th, seventh, 33rd, 35th, first, sixty-fifth, umptieth, thirtieth, forty-third, twelfth, sixteenth, eightieth, 25th, twenty-fourth, nineteenth, 1st, 17th, fifteenth, sixth, 32nd, seventeenth, millionth, umteenth, 13th, tenth, hundred-and-first, fourteenth, sixty-fourth, 12th, thirty-first, twentieth, 28th, hundred-and-seventieth, thirteenth, 46th, 500th, 20th, 101st, seventieth, eighty-fifth, 130th, 2nd, twenty-second, zero, forty-second, 65th, 70th, twenty-first, 22nd, 5th, thousandth, 45th, 18th, hundred-and-thirtieth, 36th, 200th, hundred-and-sixtieth, 10th, zeroth, 19th, hundred-and-fifty-fifth, billionth, sixtieth, twenty-ninth, fifty-fifth, 400th, 165th, forty-fifth, 39th, twenty-seventh, 160th, five-hundredth, eighth, 21st, 30th, third, hundred-and-twenty-fifth, hundred-and-ninetieth, trillionth, 31st, second, 44th, hundred-and-eightieth, 4th, twenty-eighth, forty-ninth, 8th, thirty-fifth, umpteenth, 49th, 43rd, 85th, 15th, 7th, nth, 135th, 60th, quadrillionth,


all, some, former, disagreement, cardinal,

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