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orchis Meaning in Tamil ( orchis வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




orchis தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

Clifford Cunningham, Brian Marsden, Wayne Orchiston.

குறிப்பாக 6,000 Orchis morio (பச்சை இறக்கை ஆர்க்கிட்) உள்ளன.

orchis's Usage Examples:

An orchis found in the mountain yields the dried tuber which affords the nutritious mucilage called salep; a good deal of this goes to India.

Thyme and the small white dune-rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia) also grow in the dunes, and wall-pepper (Sedum acre), field fever-wort, reindeer moss, common asparagus, sheep's fescue grass, the pretty Solomon-seal (Polygonatum officinale), and the broadleaved or marsh orchis (Orchis latifolia).

The Cornish heath (Erica vagans) and the maiden-hair fern (Adiantum CapillusVeneris) may serve as instances of the one, the man-orchis (Aceras anthropophora) and Reseda lutea of the other.

Such being in general terms the mechanism of the flower of a common orchis, let us now see how it acts.

This fact will account for the profusion with which some orchids, like the common bee orchis for instance, are found in some seasons and their scarcity in others.


butterfly orchid, orchidaceous plant, butterfly orchis, orchid, male orchis, Orchis papilionaceae, Orchis mascula, early purple orchid, purple orchis, purple-hooded orchis, genus Orchis, Orchis spectabilis, showy orchis,


spread, unwind,

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