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opting Meaning in Tamil ( opting வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கருத்துப் படி எடுத்துக் கொள்,

opting's Usage Examples:

Women today are increasingly opting to birth their baby the " old fashioned way " in the comforts of their own home.

66) in high terms of the Iranians (Ariani), ranking them (as well as the Indians, Romans and Carthaginians) on a level with the Greeks, as regards their capacity for adopting city civilization.

The allegations made con cerning the Chinese really amounted to a charge of undue 1 Australia, it may be noted, has woman's suffrage in all the states (Victoria, the last, adopting it in November 1908), and for the federal assembly.

930, is charged by Matthew Paris with adopting the attire of a sportsman.

These figures are also a gentle nudge to those people who are still opting for bottled water.

A month later a papal legate arrived in Hungary to inquire into the conduct of the king, who was accused by his neighbours, and many of his own subjects, of adopting the ways of his Kumanian kinsfolk and thereby undermining Christianity.

However opting to take income drawdown means you give up the security that annuities offer.

This is a primal necessity of the protoplast,and every cell gives evidence of its need by adopting one of the various ways in which such need is supplied.

"Adopting the motto, "My strength is the love of my people," he ruled in strict accordance with constitutional principles, though not hesitating to make the fullest use of the royal prerogative when the intervention of the crown seemed to be required by circumstances.

During the five years1884-1889a committee was occupied with the question of workmen's insurance, and thrice the government made proposals for its settlement, on the last occasion adopting the principle of invalidity as a common basis for insurance against accidents, illness or old age.

interest in adopting from Kazakhstan also grew as many U.


prefer, cop out, opt out, choose, compare,


dislike, demote, disadvantage, dissimilitude, unlikeness,

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