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obsolescent Meaning in Tamil ( obsolescent வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

வழக்கற்றுப் போய்க்கொண்டிருக்கிற

obsolescent's Usage Examples:

obsolescent biplanes performed admirably, transporting troops and supplies around the area and bombing rebel villages with great effect.

The "nominal horse-power" by which engines are sometimes rated is an arbitrary and obsolescent term of indefinite significance.

As a result of these various degenerations the functions of the body deteriorate, the faculties become blunted, and the muscular energy of the body is below what it was in earlier life, while the secreting glands in certain instances become functionally obsolescent.

In neither does the terminal segment or telson, whether large or obsolescent, whether articulated or coalescent, carry appendages, unless occasionally in fusion with itself.

In short, the country was already thoroughly democratic in spirit, while Federalism stood for obsolescent social ideas and was infected with political "Toryism" fatally against the times.

obsolescent list includes features which might be removed in the next revision and should not be used in new or revised programs.

obsolescent institutions.

obsolescent equipment meant that the venture was not a success.

obsolescent technology as the answer to global warming.

These obsolescent biplanes performed admirably, transporting troops and supplies around the area and bombing rebel villages with great effect.

The seven earlier ones are all more or less obsolescent, and their very number shows that the meaning of the word was very vague.

"As a result of these various degenerations the functions of the body deteriorate, the faculties become blunted, and the muscular energy of the body is below what it was in earlier life, while the secreting glands in certain instances become functionally obsolescent.




new, current,

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