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obscurant Meaning in Tamil ( obscurant வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

ஆராய்ச்சி வெறுப்பவர்

obscurant's Usage Examples:

The effects of weather and battlefield obscurants should be factored.

Beyond the Alps it was otherwise; among the Teutonic nations at least the revolt against the scholastic philosophy, the rout of the obscurantists, the eager pursuit of Hellenic culture, had a religious aspect.

All the enemies of the great Alexandrian he regards merely as empty and vain obscurantists; for the orthodoxy of his hero he appeals to Athanasius.

Structural illusions are caused by the effects of heat waves, rain, snow, sleet, or other visual obscurants.

The effects of this policy of blind obscurantism far outweighed any good that resulted from the king's well-meant efforts at economic and financial reform; and seven this reform was but spasmodic and partial, and awoke ultimately more discontent than it allayed.

The first English scholars of the Renaissance, like Erasmus on the continent, did not see the logical outcome of their own discoveries, nor realize that the campaign against obscurantism would develop into a campaign against Roman orthodoxy.

In Germany, as elsewhere, the victory of the Papacy was the ~rictory of obscurantism.

Their views were due to a reaction against three main tendencies in contemporary English thought: the sacerdotalism of Laud and his followers, the obscurantist sectaries and, most important of all, the doctrines of Hobbes.

headmanalues of obscurantist mullahs, traditional village headmen and gun-toting banditry replaced those of national equality, women's liberation and secularism.

A pity he did not see fit to nominate an appropriate secular, working class cause rather than one which promotes religious obscurantism.

has outlived its day may be justly identified with obscurantism, but not so the systems of those who, by their intellectual force alone, once held all the minds of Europe in subjection.

The controversy was assumed to be against prejudice, ignorance, obscurantism; what monks were to Erasmus the clergy as such were to Woolston.

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