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obliging Meaning in Tamil ( obliging வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உதவும் பண்புடைய,

obliging's Usage Examples:

"A Russian army destined for the Bosporus, which had been gathered near Odessa, obliging the Porte to keep strong bodies of troops about Constantinople, had been called to Galicia, thus liberating several Turkish divisions for service at the Dardanelles.

Varchi says that "in his conversation he was pleasant, obliging to his intimates, the friend of virtuous persons.

He is hospitable, obliging, and specially well disposed to the foreigner.

Judge Marshall carried the turkey simply because he wished to be kind and obliging.

"If I ever have the good fortune to escape from this island," he said, "I will be kind and obliging to every one.

She is always spoken of by his friends as a mild, reasonable and obliging person, whose amiability and gentle sense did much to soothe the too nervous and excitable temperament of her husband.

He acquired a reputation as a worker of miracles, and on this ground was sent to Rome as an envoy, where (legend tells) he exorcised from the emperor's daughter a demon who had obligingly entered the lady to enable Simon to effect his miracle.

When Westlake obligingly opened a map and pointed out various high country locations, he had the Dawkins' rapt attention.

Cynthia obliging cut a piece—a second piece for Dean after he frowned—a third as she joined them.

As a measure of precaution, he procured documentary evidence of the rebellious intentions of the raja and the begum, to the validity of which Impey obligingly lent his extra-judicial sanction.

He held a parliament at Trim which made one law against men of English race wearing moustaches, lest they should be mistaken for Irishmen, and another obliging the sons of agricultural labourers to follow their father's vocation under pain of fine and imprisonment.

by vigorous military operations and by obliging all the non- General combatants who sympathized with the rebels in Weykrs arms to elect between joining them in the bush, CampaAgn La Manigua, or residing within the Spanish lines.


accommodative, complaisant, accommodating,


unkind, ill-natured, unhelpful, unaccommodating,

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