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obelisks Meaning in Tamil ( obelisks வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சதுர தூபி,

obelisks's Usage Examples:

Colossal granite obelisks were erected by only a few kings, Senwosri I.

Dustin shouted, darting through the obelisks towards her.

They form a consecutive series from rude unhewn stones to highly finished obelisks, of which the tallest still erect is 60 ft.

The coast of Caithness abounds in outstanding pillars and obelisks of flagstone.

Of his work at Heliopolis there remain the obelisks of London and New York; and from Elephantine is the obelisk at Sion House.

graveyard of the church, entered through a small Jacobean gateway crowned with three obelisks.

How did the Egyptians erect 100 foot granite obelisks?Many of the stone obelisks were gone or broken.

Once more the Assyrian army made its way up the Nile, Thebes was plundered, and its temples destroyed, two obelisks being carried to Nineveh as trophies (see Nahum iii.

The erection of the obelisks of the Vatican, the Lateran, the Piazza del Popolo and the square behind the tribune of Sta Maria Maggiore lent a lustre to Rome which no other city in the world could rival.

Many inscriptions and ancient fragments may be seen built into the houses; in front of the Madonna delle Grazie is a bull in red Egyptian granite, and in the Piazza Papiniano the fragments of two Egyptian obelisks erected in A.

Such obelisks were probably more than mere embellishments of the temples.


column, pillar,


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