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nymphs Meaning in Tamil ( nymphs வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நிதி தேவதை, வன மலை,

nymphs தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கான் நூல் "கியன்டாங் மேற்கு ஆளுனருடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டிருந்ததாகவும், வு வன மலை ("வுலின்சன்") வு வன ஏரியின் மூலம் எனவும், கிழக்காக ஒடிக் கடலில் கலக்கும் இது 830 லி (தேராயமாக, ) அளவுள்ளதாகக் குறிப்பிடுகிறது.

nymphs's Usage Examples:

From the blood of Uranus (this feature is common in Red Indian and Egyptian myths) were born furies, giants, ash-nymphs and Aphrodite.

He is famous for his numerous amours, especially with the nymphs of springs and fountains; his offspring were mostly wild and cruel, like the sea - the Laestrygones, Polyphemus, Antaeus, Procrustes and the like.

He was essentially a rustic god,"a wood-spirit conceived in the form of a goat," living in woods and caves, and traversing the tops of the mountains; he protected and gave fertility to flocks; he hunted and fished; and sported and danced with the mountain nymphs.

Many of Homer's heroes have fairy lemans, called nymphs, fairies taken up into a higher region of poetry and religion; and the fairy leman is notable in the story of Athamas and his cloud bride Nephele, but this character is as familiar to the unpoetical Eskimo, and to the Red Indians, with their bird-bride and beaver-bride (see A.

Parnassus was one of the most holy mountains in Greece, hallowed by the worship of Apollo, of the Muses, and of the Corycian nymphs, and by the orgies of the Bacchantes.

As sea-nymphs, they represent the treacherous calm of ocean, which conceals destruction beneath its smiling surface; or they signify the enervating influence of the hot wind (compare the name Sirius), which shrivels up the fresh young life of vegetation.

The Artemis of the Odyssey " taking her pastime in the chase of boars and swift deer, while with her the wild wood-nymphs disport them, and high over them all she rears her brow, and is easily to be known where all are fair," is a perfectly rational mythic representation of a divine being.

made its appearance upon the lake," upon which, clad in silks, were the Lady of the Lake and two nymphs waiting on her, and for the several days of her stay "rare shews and sports were there exercised.

The home of the nymphs is on mountains and in groves, by springs and rivers, in valleys and cool grottoes.

"Many of Homer's heroes have fairy lemans, called nymphs, fairies taken up into a higher region of poetry and religion; and the fairy leman is notable in the story of Athamas and his cloud bride Nephele, but this character is as familiar to the unpoetical Eskimo, and to the Red Indians, with their bird-bride and beaver-bride (see A.

The nymphs of the Perlidae are closely like their parents and breathe dissolved air by means of tracheal gills on the thoracic segments, for they all live in the water of streams.

Dryads, fairies, nymphs and magicians are common sights.

They were known in Roman times, and many votive altars dedicated to Apollo and the nymphs have been found.




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