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nutritive Meaning in Tamil ( nutritive வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


போஷாக்குள்ள, ஊட்டச்சத்துமிக்க,

nutritive தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்த மரத்தின் மிகவும் முதன்மையான இன்னொரு பயனாக இதன் இலைகள் மிகச் சிறந்த, செலவில்லாத ஊட்டச்சத்துமிக்க கால்நடைத் தீவனமாக பயன்படுகிறது.

nutritive's Usage Examples:

They are mainly carbohydrates such as starch and sugar, proteids in the form of globulins or albumoses, and in many cases fats and oils, while certain other bodies of similar nutritive value are less widely distributed.

Germany, rye is the principal cereal; and in nutritive value, as measured by the amount of gluten it contains, it stands next to wheat, a fact which furnishes the explanation of its culture in N.

He speaks more favourably of the introduction of food into the stomach by a silver tube; and he strongly recommends the use of nutritive enemata.

Not only does exposure to heat sufficient to coagulate protein matter destroy life, by demolishing Life con- the molecular structure upon which life depends; but ditioned all vital activity, all phenomena of nutritive growth, by tern' movement and reproduction are possible only be- perature.

The soul at first is void of content; in the embryo it has not developed beyond the nutritive principle of a plant (Outs): at birth the " ruling part " is a blank tablet, although ready prepared to receive writing.

occurrence of a food-reserve; many so-called exalbuminous seeds show to microscopic examination a distinct endosperm which may have other than a nutritive function.

A bitter principle to which the name of quercin has been applied by Gerber, its discoverer, has also been detected in the acorn of the common oak; the nutritive portion seems chiefly a form of starch.

Thus, in a phanerogam, the sepals, petals, stamens and foliage-leaves all come under the category leaf, though some are parts of the perianth, others are spore-bearing organs (sporophylls), and others carry on nutritive processes.

Cooked vegetables cut in thin strips or in Julienne style are often used to add color, flavor, and nutritive value to a soup.

Differences connected with the mode of supply of nutritive material do exist, but they are mainly correlated with the structure of the organisms, which makes the method of absorption different.

On the degeneration of the polypide, its nutritive material is apparently absorbed for the benefit of the zooid, while the pig mented substances assume a spheroidal form, which either remains as an inert "brown body" in the body-cavity or is discharged to the exterior by the alimentary canal of the new polypide.

The independence of the two is suggested by the fact that fungi can live, thrive and grow in nutritive media which contain carbohydrates together with certain salts of ammonia, but which are free from proteids.

- Diagram of Tubularia entiated into nutritive and indivisa.


alimental, nourishing, wholesome, nutritious, nutrient, alimentary,


nauseous, unhealthy, unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome,

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