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nude Meaning in Tamil ( nude வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



nude's Usage Examples:

It is an athlete's style, all bone and sinew, nude, without superfluous flesh or ornament.

Are these ingredients in other foods as well?nudes painted by the great French classical painter Ingres in the early 19th century.

The nude parts, such as face and hands, were of ivory, while the armour and drapery were of beaten gold.

Thus Spirogyra filaments, which have been denuded of starch by being placed in the dark, form starch in one day if they are placed in a io to 20% solution of dextrose.

frank depictions of nude Batmen and such similar themes.

Colors - In addition to materials, full slips generally come in three main colors: black, nude, or white.

Rinderpest and other epidemic diseases swept over the country in 1895-1896, and during the war of1899-1902the province was practically denuded of live stock.

denudethis has not prevented the government from denuding third world countries of skilled health workers.

Relying upon the known custom of performing certain observances in a practically, or even entirely, nude condition, it seems plausible to infer that the ephod was a scanty wrapping, perhaps a loincloth, and this view has found weighty support.

Its 2009 cancellation was not due to the fact that the league could not get enough subscribers for its pay-per-view event; it was canceled because it was met with some controversy over a group of fans wanting the Lingerie Bowl to go nude.

With her provocative photos garnering the attention of many and probably a legion of fans from her various nude spreads in Playboy and Penthouse, Tequila is now the reigning queen of MySpace with over two million "friends" to date.

With these, as a work produced without any literary suggestion, though very different in feeling, may be associated the "Eastern Slinger scaring Birds in the Harvest-time: Moon-rise" (1875), a nude figure standing on a raised platform in a field of wheat.


painting, picture, nude painting,


adult, worker, debtor, male,

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