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nubian Meaning in Tamil ( nubian வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




nubian தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

“Libyans and Nubians.

'nbsp;Was the dancing girl from Mohenjo-daro a Nubian?Annali, Istituto Oriental di Napoli'nbsp;47(1):99-105.

Close up of a Nubian Goat.

Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana).

Nubian Goat grown in Tamil Nadu.

"The Nubian War of Akhenaten" in L'Egyptologie en 1979: Axes prioritaires de recherchs II, Paris.

Morkot, The Black Pharaohs, Egypt's Nubian Rulers, London, Rubicon Press, 2000.

Voyage au pays des pharaons noirs Travel in Sudan : pictures and notes on the Nubian history.

nub Nubian languages.

2006: A blue plaque was unveiled at his first UK residence in Ridgmount Gardens, London, dedicated to him by the Nubian Jak Community Trust and supported by Her Majesty's Foreign Office.

nubian's Usage Examples:

The ibex are connected with the wild goat by means of Capra nubiana, in which the front edge of the horns is thinner than in either the European C.

From that time until 1821 the Greeks monopolized the management of Turkey's foreign relations, and soon established the regular system whereby the chief dragoman passed on as a matter of course to the dignity of hospodar of one of the Danubian principalities.

In the Danubian campaign of 1809 he succeeded; but the stubborn defence of Austria, the heroic efforts of the Tirolese and the spasmodic efforts which foreboded a national rising in Germany, showed that the whole aspect of affairs was changing, even in central Europe, where rulers and peoples had hitherto been as wax under the impress of his will.

The subjoined history of the country is arranged under the four headings: Walachia, Moldavia, the Danubian Principalities and Rumania, in order to emphasize this historical development.

Near Ribnik and elsewhere were salt-mines which supplied all the wants of the Transdanubian provinces of Turkey; there were considerable copper mines at Maidan; and iron was worked near Tirgovishtea.

We find " suffered " in the creed of Milan, " descended into hell " in the creed of Aquileia, the Danubian lands and Syria; the words " God " and " almighty " were shortly added to clause 7 in the Spanish creed; " life everlasting " had stood from an early date in the African creed.

Tecuci has a large transit trade in grain, timber, cattle and horses, on their way from northern and eastern Moldavia to the Danubian ports.

Bratislava (Pressburg), the capital of Slovakia, with its great Danubian harbour, is the gateway of central European trade to the East and the Balkans.

From Antioch Hadrian set out for Dacia to punish the Roxolani, who, incensed by a reduction of the tribute hitherto paid them, had invaded the Danubian provinces.

In 1859 the Danubian principalities, deliberately left separate by the Congress of Paris, carried out their long-cherished design of union by electing Prince Cuza both in Moldavia and in Walachia, a contingency which the powers had not taken into account, and to which in the end they gave a grudging assent (see Rumania).

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