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noses Meaning in Tamil ( noses வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நுகரும் சக்தி, வாசனை, மூக்கு,

noses தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்த அபரிமிதமான நுகரும் சக்தியால் மாயாவி போல உடல் உருவம் மாற்றம் பெறும் ஜீவன்களையும் வால்வரினில் கண்டுகொள்ளமுடிந்தது.

வால்வரினின் நுகரும் சக்தியோ, மிகவும் அபாரமானது.

ஒருவன் பொய்கூறும் சமயத்தில் வெளிப்படும் நறுமண வாசத்தையும், வலுவற்ற இதயத் துடிப்பையும், தமது கேட்கும், நுகரும் சக்தியால் பொய்கூறுவதைக் கண்டறிந்து பிரயோகிக்கமுடிந்தது.

noses's Usage Examples:

""If we don't take it tomowwow, he'll snatch it fwom under our noses," he added.

The generic characters are based upon definite modifications of form which affect the entire facies of the animals, while the specific diagnoses depend upon minor characters, such as the number of myotomes or muscle-segments.

Initially, these three conditions were believed to be separate, because each was associated with different physical symptoms and prognoses.

For this slaughter Arthur took summary vengeance, slaying all the kinsfolk of the man who started the fight, and cutting off the noses of his women-folk.

They are of a dark brown complexion, with very broad noses, lips but slightly everted, and small but usually sturdy physique, though often considerably emaciated owing to insufficiency of food.

The tall, fair and blue-eyed individuals who are found to the north-east of the Seine and in Normandy appear to be nearer in race to the Scandinavian and Germanic invaders; a tall and darker type with long faces and aquiline noses occurs in some parts of Franche-Co1nt and Champagne, the Vosges and the Perche.

accuracy of clinical diagnoses.

Some of them are as light-skinned as Europeans, tall, robust, thin-lipped, straight-nosed, with straight black hair; others are shorter and darker in complexion, with round heads, long noses, thick lips, and scraggy limbs, indicating perhaps the commingling of more than one Semitic people.

Most people go through a series of other tests and often get other diagnoses, most commonly refractory (unresponsive) asthma, before they have a laryngoscopy and receive a definite diagnosis of VCD.

Savage begins with the insinuation that families seek out diagnoses for conditions in order to receive services and public assistance.

Gmelin availed himself of every publication he could, but he perhaps found his richest booty in the labours of Latham, neatly condensing his English descriptions into Latin diagnoses, and bestowing on them binomial names.

The Muppet Whatnot Workshop allows customers to combine an assortment of bodies, eyes, noses and hairstyles in the instantly recognizable Muppet style.

Tests In primary syphilis diagnoses can be made by microscopy of the discharge or even aspirating fluid from the enlarged lymph glands.


snout, internasal suture, schnoz, nozzle, turbinal, schnozzle, olfactory organ, snoot, face, conk, nasal cavity, sutura internasalis, turbinate, nostril, beak, upper respiratory tract, anterior naris, hawk nose, pug nose, hooter, turbinate bone, arteria ethmoidalis, hooknose, bridge, proboscis, neb, human face, Roman nose, rostrum, chemoreceptor, ethmoidal artery, honker,


windward, leeward, front, proportional font, fixed-width font,

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