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nitriles Meaning in Tamil ( nitriles வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


nitriles's Usage Examples:

by the addition of sulphuretted hydrogen to the nitriles, or by the action of phosphorus pentasulphide on the acid-amides.

977), by the partial hydrolysis of the nitriles, by the action of ammonia or ammonium carbonate on acid chlorides or anhydrides, or by heating the.

1/!Bernthsen); by the action of ammonium chloride or hydrochlorides of amines on nitriles; by condensing amines and amides in presence of phosphorus trichloride; by the action of hydrochloric acid on acid-amides (0.

The secondary and tertiary amides of the types (RCO) 2 NH and (RCO) 3 N may be prepared by heating the primary amides or the nitriles with acids or acid anhydrides to 200° C.

Thus in the normal fatty alcohols, acids, esters, nitriles and ketones, the increment per CH 2 is 19°-21°; in the aldehydes it is 26°-27°.

They boil at temperatures somewhat lower than those of the corresponding nitriles; and are stable towards alkalis, but in the presence of mineral acids they readily hydrolyse, forming primary amines and formic acid: RNC+2H 2 O RNH2+H2C02.

This explanation also accounts for the formation of nitriles by the diazo reaction, thus: C 6 H 5 N 2 C1+CuNC-)CuN :C Cl N 2 C 6 H 5 ->CuCl-{ N :C N2 C6H5C6H5CN-{- N2.

1) is found in the case of the halogen compounds, nitriles, amines, acids, ethers, sulphides and nitro compounds.

The syn-aldoximes or treatment with acetyl chloride readily lose water and yield nitriles; the anti-aldoximes as a rule are acetylated and do not yield nitriles.

The aldoximes are converted by the action of dehydrating agents into nitriles: RCH: NOH-->R C: N+H 2 0.

Its nitrile (prussic acid) has an acid character, a property not possessed by the nitriles of the other members of the series; and, by the abstraction of the elements of water from the acid,.

CO�NH2, which by further dehydration yield nitriles, R�CN.

R C: N+H 2 0.

Its nitrile (prussic acid) has an acid character, a property not possessed by the nitriles of the other members of the series; and, by the abstraction of the elements of water from the acid,.

CO�NH2, which by further dehydration yield nitriles, R�CN.


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