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neutralized Meaning in Tamil ( neutralized வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



neutralized தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆயினும் செரிமான எதிர்க்களிப்பின் பொழுது வெளிக்காட்டப்படும் அதன் உணவுக்குழாய் அரிக்கும் தன்மையை, அலுமினியம் ஹைட்ராக்சைடு போன்ற காரங்களை உட்கொள்வதினால் உருவாகும் நீர் மற்றும் அம்மோனியம் குளோரைடு உப்பினால் தற்காலிகமாக சரிகட்டிவிடலாம்.

neutralized's Usage Examples:

It is useless to suppose that this destructive criticism from within can be neutralized by generously sprinkling the pages of the classical writers with interpretation clauses.

In addition to this, the further regularity has been observed that when the powerful monobasic acids are neutralized by the powerful monacid bases, the heat of neutralization is in all cases the same.

In contrast, the DNA in somatic nuclei is not fully neutralized by histones.

He found, however, that if he took the largest amount of toxin which was just neutralized by a given amount of antitoxin, much more than a single dose of toxin had to be added before a single dose was left free.

A later method consists in boiling the weed with sodium carbonate; the liquid is filtered and hydrochloric acid added to the filtrate, when alginic acid is precipitated; this is also filtered off, the filtrate neutralized by caustic soda, and the whole evaporated to dryness and carbonized, the residue obtained being known as kelp substitute.

The Suez and the Panama canals have been permanently neutralized, the former by a convention among the great powers, and the latter by a treaty between Great Britain and the United States.

The local commerce of Geneva is much aided by the fact that the city is nearly entirely surrounded by "free zones," in which no customs duties are levied, though the districts are politically French: this privilege was given to Gex in 1814, and to the Savoyard districts in 1860, when they were also neutralized.

When mine water is acid the working parts of the pump must be lined with or made of bronze or other non-corrosive material; or the acid may be neutralized by adding lime in the sump.

Therefore while less energy is absorbed in its final reduction, more is needed in its initial preparation, and it is questionable whether the economy possible in the second stage would not be neutralized by the greater cost of the first stage in the whole operation of winning the metal from bauxite with the sulphide as the intermediary.

At the beginning of the war both the empire and the pope were against him, but he neutralized their hostility by allying himself with George of Podvebrad, 'whom the Hussites had placed on the throne of Bohemia.

1 Again, the Straits of Magellan are neutralized as between Argentina and Chile under a treaty of the 23rd of July 1881.


neutral, neutralised,


positive, negative, colorful,

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