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neum Meaning in Tamil ( neum வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


neum தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நியூயார்க்: கன்டிநியூம்.

neum's Usage Examples:

I've seen you knocked to your knees with pneumonia, grief and a sick husband, but you always come right back up fighting.

Reds-James Marshall Brooks, John Waterer, Atro-sanguineum, Alexander Adie, Baron Schroeder.

I've found some very interesting info on how midwifes believe now that massaging the perineum can increase the risk of tearing.

With an apical pneumatophore, not divided into chambers, followed by a series of nectocalyces or bracts.

in hornbills and screamers, into every part of the skeleton, or, in the shape of innumerable pneumatic cells, even beneath the skin.

1663); "cunocuneus, seu corpus partim conum partim cuneum representans geometrice consideratum" (English, 1685); "De gravitate et gravitatione disquisitio geometrica" (1662; English, 1674); "De aestu maris hypothesis nova" (1666-1669).

There are three major types: bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic.

Sometimes, though rarely, the ulcers perforate the intestines, causing rapidly fatal inflammation of the peritoneum, or they may erode a blood vessel and produce violent haemorrhage.

Ctesibius of Alexandria, Hero and others, founded the science of pneumatics on observations on the physical properties of air.

The recovered methanol will be cooled by the exhaust air from the pneumatic valves.

They rejected the pneumatic Christianity of the orthodox churches and did not accept the docetic teaching of some of the other sects.

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