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neophytes Meaning in Tamil ( neophytes வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



neophytes's Usage Examples:

It is most probable that this tiny volume was simply a sort of first lesson book for young neophytes when they joined the order.

At them the neophytes worked up wool, tanned hides, prepared tallow, cultivated hemp and wheat, raised a few oranges, made soap, some iron and leather articles, mission furniture, and a very little wine and olive oil.

There are some common problems neophytes have in learning how to make French press coffee.

In 1826 a beginning toward it was made in partially emancipating the neophytes, but active and thorough secularization of the missions did not begin until 1834; by 1835 it was consummated at sixteen missions out of twenty-one, and by 1840 at all.

A single perpetrator is able to anonymously take advantage of millions of vulnerable computer neophytes with relative ease.

There was talk in California of the rights of man and neophytes, and of the sins of friars.

It chronicled the exploits of vampire Barnabas Collins, and featured assorted zombies, witches, hapless governesses, acolytes, neophytes and a dark and mysterious estate.

The soldiers of Coroticus (Ceretic), a British king of Strathclyde, had in the course of a raid in Ireland killed a number of Christian neophytes on the very day of their baptism while still clad in white garments.

He also mentions elsewhere that the neophytes, after baptism, were given a draught of milk and honey.

) Before stepping into the font, which both sexes did quite naked, the neophytes had to renounce the devil, his pomps and angels.

The writer says that on the strength of the words of John, that " we were to be baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire," the Simonians maintained that the orthodox baptism was a mere form, and that they had the real baptism, for, as soon as their neophytes went down into the water, a fire appeared on it.

A fireplace was often provided to warm the neophytes after immersion.


student, pupil, educatee, catechumen,


fauna, specialist, nonreligious person, uninitiate,

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