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neighbourhood Meaning in Tamil ( neighbourhood வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



neighbourhood's Usage Examples:

It would therefore include Worcestershire, Gloucestershire except the Forest of Dean, the southern half of Warwickshire, and the neighbourhood of Bath.

The alcoholic strength of bitters varies, but is generally in the neighbourhood of 40% of alcohol.

Egham >>In the immediate neighbourhood, though included in the parish of Egham, Surrey, is Runnimede Island, where King John signed the Magna Carta.

He was sent as a child to be educated at Port Royal, and there he received his final bent towards the life of a recluse, and even of a hermit, which drew him to establish himself in the neighbourhood of Port Royal des Champs.

A ruined church on the island of Inchdorey, and castles on Galley Head, at Dunnycove, and at Dunowen, together with a stone circle, are the principal antiquities in the neighbourhood.

The mocking-bird is moreover of familiar habits, haunting the neighbourhood of houses, and is therefore a general favourite.

The fact that the semi-wild tribes, which are ethnologically Malayan and distinct from the aboriginal Semang and Sakai, are met with almost invariably in the neighbourhood of the coast would seem to indicate that they reached the peninsula by a sea, not by a land route, a supposition which is strengthened by their almost amphibious habits.

"The whole of the advantages and disadvantages of the different employments of labour and stock must, in the same neighbourhood, be either perfectly equal or continually tending to equality"; if one had greatly the advantage over the others, people would crowd into it, and the level would soon be restored.

), is the ancient Mons Albanus, on the summit of which stood the temple of Jupiter Latialis, where the assemblies of the cities forming the Latin confederation were held; the Monti Cimini, which extend from the valley of the Tiber to the neighbourhood of Civita Vecchia, and attain at their culminating point an elevation of 3454 ft.

JEREMY BENTHAM (1748-1832), English philosopher and jurist, was born on the 15th of February 17 4 8 in Red Lion Street, Houndsditch, London, in which neighbourhood his grandfather and father successively carried on business as attorneys.

Other industries are brewing, printing and iron-founding, and there are ochre and iron mines in the neighbourhood.

See Victoria County History: Yorkshire; William Grainge, The Vale of Mowbray: a historical and topographical account of Thirsk and its neighbourhood (1859).

The sapphire is found in all the states, principally in the neighbourhood of Beechworth, Victoria.


vicinity, locality, "hood, scenery, neighborhood, neck of the woods, section, place, proximity, gold coast,


divest, downgrade, upgrade, left, back,

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