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necessitated Meaning in Tamil ( necessitated வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இன்றியமையாத தாக்கு,

necessitated's Usage Examples:

The Sepoys again had an ineradicable dislike to serve beyond the sea, and the invasion of Pegu necessitated their transport by water to the seat of war.

There was a slight decline of £300,000 in the total of these estimates; but this was merely a pause after the £12,000,000 increase of the past three years; and by the summer a new German navy law necessitated a supplementary estimate of about a million.

Rowland and others, necessitated by modern requirements, have shown that it is in error, but by less than 1%.

But a discovery by the government of concealed arms, and an explosion at one of Emmet's depots in Patrick Street on the 16th of July, necessitated immediate action, and the 23rd of that month was accordingly fixed for the projected rising.

There, however, he remained only six months, for certain views on slavery, strongly held and injudiciously expressed, entailed unpleasant consequences, and necessitated his return to England, where he obtained in 1844 the post of actuary to the Legal and Equitable Life Assurance Company.

This necessitated a complete recasting of the Entente plans.

With Avatar being lauded by many for the stunning visual impact the film creates with lush world's and lifelike humanoids, the 3D aesthetic of the film benefited from the technology advancements it necessitated.

Wally was rushed in for emergency surgery which necessitated the removal of a section of damaged intestine.

During1902-1905an outbreak of surra, which caused great mortality among draught animals, further tried the sugar planters and necessitated government help.

But since Napoleon introduced the "war of masses" the only alternative to cantoning the troops is bivouacking, which if prolonged for several nights is more injurious to the well-being of the troops than the slight relaxation of discipline necessitated by the cantonment system, when the latter is well arranged and policed.

Reforms were effected in The reforms introduced by Sultan Mahmud and by the Tanzimat necessitated the remodelling of nearly all the departments of state.

This necessitated their constantly moving in search of fresh pasture, spending the spring and autumn upon the open steppe, the winter and summer by the rivers for the sake of moisture and shelter.


exact, involve, require, cry out for, draw, cost, govern, cry for, claim, demand, take, ask, need, call for, postulate, compel,


forfeit, disclaim, refrain, exempt, obviate,

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