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nebula Meaning in Tamil ( nebula வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சூரிய மண்டலத்திற்கு அப்பால் மேகம் போன்று தோற்றம் அளிக்கும் விண்மீன் கூட்டம்,

nebula's Usage Examples:

It now seems probable that the spiral nebula is the fittest illustration of the transformation of a diffused nebula into a system of sun and planets.

Laplace supposed the existence of a primeval nebula which extended so far out as to fill all the space at present occupied by the planets.

In his Naturgeschichte des Himmels, in which he anticipated the nebular theory afterwards more fully developed by Laplace, Kant sought to explain the genesis of the cosmos as a product of physical forces and laws.

In the same publication for 1844 and 1850 he communicated short descriptions and drawings of some of the more interesting nebulae, and in the volume for 1861 he published a paper "On the Construction of Specula of 6-ft.

He intended to follow it up with similar treatises on Mars, Jupiter, sun, moon, comets and meteors, stars, and nebulae, and had in fact commenced a monograph on Mars, when the failure of a New Zealand bank deprived him of an independence which would have enabled him to carry out his scheme without anxiety as to its commercial success or failure.

The nebular theory offers an explanation of this most remarkable uniformity.

There is quite a different method of considering the nebular origin of our system, which leads in a very striking manner to conclusions practically identical with those we have just sketched.

The drawing of the nebula of Orion was published in the Phil.

The famous "nebular hypothesis" of Laplace made its appearance in the Systeme du monde.

the " trapezium " of stars in the Orion nebula.

Huygens was also in 1656 the first effective observer of the Orion nebula; he delineated the bright region still known by his name, and detected the multiple character of its nuclear star.

The rotation of the planets on their axes is also explained as a consequence of the nebular theory, for at the time of the first formation of the planet it must have participated in the rotation of the whole nebula, and by the subsequent contraction of the planet the speed with which the rotation was performed must have been accelerated.


cloud, diffuse nebula, gaseous nebula, planetary nebula,


ready, inactivity, reality, clear up, brighten,

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