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naval Meaning in Tamil ( naval வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



naval தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நோர்வே கடற்படைக்குரிய முக்கிய தளமும் பேர்கனிலே இருப்பதுடன், பேர்கன் விமான நிலையமே நோர்வேயின் வடகடல் பெற்றோலிய வர்த்தகத்திற்குரிய உலங்கு வானூர்தித் தளமாகவும் இருக்கிறது.

naval's Usage Examples:

Scapa Flow was preferred to the Cromarty Firth as his chief naval base by Admiral Jellicoe, but no preparations had been made and everything had to be improvised, guns being landed from the ships to strengthen the defences.

Among the results were the increase of the naval contribution (first to £40,000 and then, in 1908, to £100,000), and the imposition in 1903 and again in 1907 of severe discriminating duties against imports from foreign countries.

Among the public buildings still recognizable are a theatre capable of accommodating 6000 spectators, a naumachia (circus for naval combats) and several temples, of which the largest was probably the grandest structure in the city, possessing a portico of Corinthian pillars 38 ft.

His left flank was thrown across the East river beyond the village of Brooklyn, while his front and right on the harbour and North or Hudson river were open to a combined naval and military attack.

Within the yard there are extensive naval stores and barracks.

To this demand (the real commencement of the "Continental System") the Berlin government had to accede, though at the cost of a naval war with England, and the ruin of its maritime trade.

The vessel had done much damage to the Federal naval forces, and her destruction was greatly desired.

A naval school and a modern factory and arsenal were established.

12, the very day on which American and British police were to be installed, D'Annunzio and his Arditi occupied the town, with the open connivance of the Italian naval and military authorities though to the embarrassment of the Roman Cabinet.

Entering the Royal Marines in 1854, he rose to be captain in 1867, retiring in 1869; and thenceforth he devoted himself to the study of naval and military problems, on which he had already published some excellent essays.

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