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natives Meaning in Tamil ( natives வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தாய் நாட்டுக்காரன், தாய் நாட்டுக்காரி,



natives's Usage Examples:

His father, a shipbuilder of German descent (Koch),and his mother,a descendant of William Brewster, were natives of New York City, where the boy grew up, studying law in an office in 1842-1844, and working in a broker's office in 1844-1846, and where, under the influence of Charles G.

These are collected by the natives, and are known over most of the continent as nardoo.

Its fruit, called " tuna " by the natives, is refreshing and wholesome and is a staple food in spite of its spiny covering.

Sejanus, the favourite of Tiberius, and Musonius Rufus the Stoic were natives of the place.

The practice of inducing pictorial hallucinations by such methods as these has been traced among the natives of North and South America, Asia, Australia, Africa, among the Maoris, who sometimes use a drop of blood, and in Polynesia, and is thus practically of world-wide diffusion.

Of the socalled Arabian philosophers of the East, al-Farabi, Ibn-Sina and al-Ghazali were natives of Khorasan, Bokhara and the outlying provinces of north-eastern Persia; whilst al-Kindi, the earliest of them, sprang from Basra, on the Persian Gulf, on the debatable ground between the Semite and the Aryan.

Alternatives: yeast extract ergosterol and exposure of skin to sunshine.

The then governorgeneral of Angola, Senhor Norton de Mattos, had already instituted reforms and in 1913 had created a Department for Native Affairs, which set itself to regulate the employment of natives, including the recruitment of labourers for the cocoa plantations on St.

The natives were allowed to live the indolent life of the tropics.

The dingo was, however, almost certainly brought from Asia by the ancestors of the modern natives; while the Papuan pig is also in all probability a human introduction, very likely of much later date.

Moreover, it is stated that the Herero in rebellion in German South-west Africa sent word to the east coast natives to follow their example, an instance of the growing solidarity of the black races of Africa.

the Ewe-speaking natives of the West Coast.


indigenous, native-born, domestic, autochthonous, homegrown, autochthonic, endemic, autochthonal,


worker, debtor, male, acquaintance, foreign,

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