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narrower Meaning in Tamil ( narrower வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அகலமற்ற, குறுகிய,

narrower தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்த பலகையில் 24 அகலமற்ற முக்கோணங்கள் உள்ளன, அதனை 'புள்ளிகள்' என்பர்.

narrower's Usage Examples:

There are wider watchbands as well as narrower, and higher and lower quality watch movements .

SPIRITUALISM, a term used by philosophical writers to denote the opposite of materialism, and also used in a narrower sense to describe the belief that the spiritual world manifests itself by producing in the physical world effects inexplicable by the known laws of nature.

spinosissimus have narrower spiny toothed leaves.

Body Body has a large selection of slingshot thongs, and features a more risqué version of the criss-cross; it gives you a nearly completely bare back and is cut narrower across the front.

The bones of the skeleton generally more resemble those of the Indian elephant than of any other species, but the skull differs in the narrower summit, narrower temporal fossae, and more prolonged incisive sheaths, supporting the roots of the enormous tusks.

The form he recommends for the needle is that of "a true circle, having his Axis going out beyond the circle, at each end narrow and narrower, unto a reasonable sharpe point, and being pure steele as the circle it selfe is, having in the middest a convenient receptacle to place the capitell in.

These streets are an eighth of a mile apart, and between each is a narrower street bearing the name of the wider, with the prefix " Little.

Both are outside the limits of the Campagna in the narrower sense; but similar tombs were found (though less accurately observed) in travertine quarries between Rome and Tivoli.

falls on a zone that stretches from Moscow and St Petersburg through Perm to Tobolsk and, after a dry belt as far as Tomsk, continues in a narrower strip as far as the S.

If the human soul is a force in the narrower sense, a substance, and not a combination of substances, then, as in the nature of things there is no transition from existence to non-existence, we cannot naturally conceive the end of its existence, any more than we can anticipate a gradual annihilation of its existence.

If we seek the peculiar and definite results of the Crusades, we must turn to narrower issues.

In the narrower sense thus indicated the "fathers" of the Church are the great bishops and other eminent Christian teachers of the earlier centuries, who were conspicuous for soundness of judgment and sanctity of life; and whose writings remained as a court of appeal for their successors.

A glen is a narrower and steeper-sided valley than a strath, though the names have not always been applied with discrimination.


narrow-minded, width, constrictive, tapered, constricting, breadth, narrowed, tapering, straplike, strait, narrowing, limited, thin, slender, narrow-mouthed,


gain, thick, wide, broad-minded, unlimited,

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