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narcos Meaning in Tamil ( narcos வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



narcos தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


narcos's Usage Examples:

Too much carbon dioxide and a person will experience headaches, hypertension, depression and exhaustion (also known as CO2 narcosis).

nitrogen narcosis usually occurs at depths equal to or greater than what depth?One had made an emergency ascent after suffering narcosis and the other had followed at a similar rate.

I try to avoid nitrogen narcosis whenever I can, especially since I began using a closed-circuit rebreather.

Trimix affords a means of reducing narcosis on dives at greater depths.

In all cases there is a longer or shorter period of excitement, followed by intoxication or narcosis, and with large doses this passes into paralysis and death from depression of the respiratory centre or of the heart.

The first advantage is that it does not cause narcosis, even at very high inspired partial pressures.

nitrogen narcosis, trimix allows divers to dive deeper than would normally be possible using air or nitrox.

The speed of the descent and the lean trimix left the diver experiencing rather unpleasant nitrogen narcosis.

In ccllapse following severe haemorrhage and in sudden and accidental arrest of the heart or respiration during chloroform narcosis an intramuscular injection of 1 gr.

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