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naivete Meaning in Tamil ( naivete வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சூதற்ற எளிமை,

naivete's Usage Examples:

This naivete may be one of the reasons why many unsuitable dogs are living in neighborhoods with children or other dogs and have been involved in attacks.

"The metre, which by a curious naivete Tennyson long believed that he had invented, served by its happy peculiarity to bind the sections together, and even to give an illusion of connected movement to the thought.

The same naivete appears in a remark of the Caliph Othman about a doubtful case: " If the Apostle of God were still alive, methinks there had been a Koran passage revealed on this point.

As soon as he said this both Prince Vasili and Anna Pavlovna turned away from him and glanced sadly at one another with a sigh at his naivete.

But all he said was so prettily sedate, and the naivete of his youthful egotism was so obvious, that he disarmed his hearers.

It revived in the charming naivete of Cowper's lyrical letters in octosyllabics to his friends, such as William Bull and Lady Austin (1782).

The obvious sincerity which underlies this statement, combined with a certain lack of humour which peers through its naivete, points to two of the principal characteristics of Patmore's earlier poetry; characteristics which came to be almost unconsciously merged and harmonized as his style and his intention drew together into unity.

But the latter's good-natured naivete was so boundless that sometimes even he involuntarily yielded to Nicholas' good humor.


credulousness, gullibility, naivety, artlessness, simplicity, naturalness, innocence, simple mindedness, ingenuousness, quality, simpleness, naiveness,


complexity, effortfulness, difficulty, difficult, sophistication,

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