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mythic Meaning in Tamil ( mythic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



mythic's Usage Examples:

Often the magician relates some mythical case where a god had been afflicted with a disease similar to that of the patient, but had finally recovered: a number of such tales were told of Horus, who was usually healed by some device of his mother Isis, she being accounted as a great enchantress.

The earlier part of it has perished save a fragment Sogu-brot, and citations and paraphrases in Saxo, and the mythical Ragnar Lodbrok's and Gongu-Hrolf's Sagas; the latter part, Lives of Harold Bluetooth and the Kings down to Sveyn II.

We find Prester John in one more phase before he vanishes from Asiatic history, real or mythical.

' The " Great Synagogue " is semi-mythical.

His great work, entitled `PwµaiK?) apxawo)oyia (Roman Antiquities), embraced the history of Rome from the mythical period to the beginning of the first Punic War.

Throughout the middle ages, legendary tales of mythical lands lying in the western ocean - the Isle of St Brandan, of Brazil and Antilia - had been handed down.

Mermaids were mythical creatures of the ocean and many sailor's fantasies.

The chimera is a mysterious mythical creature, only a fable.

It consequently rests upon a distinct basis of fact, the saga (in the older and wider sense of any story said or sung) being indeed the oldest form of historical tradition; though this of course does not exclude the probability of the accretion of mythical elements round persons and episodes from the very first.

The earlier part of it treated of the mythical adventures of Aeneas in Sicily, Carthage and Italy, and borrowed from the interview of Zeus and Thetis in the first book of the Iliad the idea of the interview of Jupiter and Venus; which Virgil has made one of the cardinal passages in the Aeneid.

He was not only the oldest native dramatist, but the first author of an epic poem (Bellum Punicum) - which, by combining the representation of actual contemporary history with a mythical background, may be said to have created the Roman type of epic poetry.

7), the Meiones (called Maeones by other writers) were named Lydians after Lydus, the son of Attis, in the mythical epoch which preceded the rise of the Heraclid dynasty.


mythical, mythologic, mythological, fabulous, unreal,


genuine, sincere, natural, realistic, real,

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