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must Meaning in Tamil ( must வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

பூஞ்சைக்காளான் பிடித்தநிலை

must's Usage Examples:

The vino tierno is made by mashing raisins (6 parts) with water (2 parts) pressing, and then adding alcohol (I part) to the must.

It must have been in his very earliest school years that the celebrated presentation of him by his godfather to Ninon de Lenclos took place, for Ninon died in 1705.

I must be sure before I strike and not leave the psychic one behind to torment me.

In magnifying glasses for direct vision the eye must always be considered.

26 must have said that man was made out of earth; this point of contact between the two cosmogonic traditions has, however, been effaced.

British railways also undertake the collection and delivery of freight, in addition to transporting it, and thus an extensive range of vans and wagons, whether drawn by horses or mechanically propelled, must be provided in connexion with an important station.

He has 200 bezants, along with a quantity of wheat, barley, lentils and oil; and in return he must march with four horses (Rey, Les Colonies franques en Syrie, p.

), must be looked on as, in his day, a man of Maxwell's own stamp as a theorist and an experimenter of the very first rank.

First I must lay my little darling to rest.

In order to save the boy he must convince the other jurors to change their hasty decision.

If the three principal organ-systems of the medusa, namely mouth, tentacles and umbrella, be considered in the light of phylogeny, it is evident that the manubrium bearing the mouth must be the oldest, as representing a common property of all the Coelentera, even of the gastrula embryo of all Enterozoa.

Patients with Bruton's agammaglobulinemia must be given periodic infusions of pooled immunoglobulin from multiple donors.


requisite, requirement, necessity, essential, necessary,


unimportant, extrinsic, inessentiality, expendable, inessential,

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