<< murra murrains >>

murrain Meaning in Tamil ( murrain வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


murrain தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

jpg|முர்ரைன் ஃபோக்லியோ.

murrain's Usage Examples:

They breed horses, cattle and sheep, but suffer heavy losses from murrain.

was deplorable; in 1842 a murrain of cattle was followed by a destructive Nile flood; in 1843 there was a plague of locusts, whole villages were depopulated.

In 1865 the rinderpest, or steppe murrain, originating amongst the vast herds of the Russian steppes, had spread westward over Europe, until it was brought to London by foreign cattle.

Murrain >>This change is due to the decline of horseand cattle-rearing in the llanos, partly in consequence of political disturbances and partly of a murrain which broke out in 1843 among horses, mules and asses.

This change is due to the decline of horseand cattle-rearing in the llanos, partly in consequence of political disturbances and partly of a murrain which broke out in 1843 among horses, mules and asses.

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