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multiplier Meaning in Tamil ( multiplier வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பல மடங்காகப் பெருக்குகிற ஒன்று, பெருக்கும் எண்,

multiplier தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பெருக்கப்பட வேண்டிய எண் "பெருக்கபடுமெண்" ("multiplicand") என்றும் பெருக்கும் எண் "பெருக்கி" அல்லது "பெருக்கு எண்" ("multiplier") என்றும் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.

பெருக்கும் எண்களின் தசமபின்ன இலக்கங்கள் இரண்டிற்கும் அதிகமாக உள்ளபோது பெருக்கல் சற்று கடினமானதாகவும் பிழை நேரக்கூடியதாகவும் ஆகிறது.

multiplier's Usage Examples:

Second in importance only to these are his researches in differential equations, notably the theory of the last multiplier, which is fully treated in his Vorlesungen fiber Dynamik, edited by R.

i, and a° means I (there being then none of the multipliers a).

Calorimeters made from a plastic scintillator, themselves connected to photo-multiplier tubes, cover the external walls of the tracking volumes.

We find that fractions follow certain laws corresponding exactly with those of integral multipliers, and we are therefore able to deal with the fractional numbers as if they were integers.

His most valuable contributions to science consist in the suggestion of the astatic combination of two needles for galvanometers, and in the invention of the so-called thermomultiplier used by him and M.

two-bit multipliers for both recombination operators and for different initial representation sizes.

If the distance between the disks could be made infinitely small each time, then the multiplier r would be 2, and the charge would be doubled each time.

The receiving apparatus consisted of a multiplier, in the centre of which were pivoted one or two magnetic needles, which either indicated the message by the movement of an index or by striking two bells of different tone, or recorded it by making ink dots on a ribbon of paper.

427; but, instead of 427 writing down the separate products, we 6 427 (in effect) write 42700, 4270 and 427 in 2 4?7 separate rows, with the multipliers 1, 6, 2 69 174 in the margin, and then multiply each number in each column by the corresponding multiplier in the margin, making allowance for any figures to be " carried.

In the case of conductors of the first class he proved by the use of the condensing electroscope, aided probably by some form of multiplier or doubler, that a difference of potential (see Electrostatics) was created by the mere contact of two such conductors, one of them being positively electrified and the other negatively.

Melloni's reputation as a physicist rests especially on his discoveries in radiant heat, made with the aid of the thermomultiplier or combination of thermopile and galvanometer, which, soon after the discovery of thermoelectricity by T.

i, and a° means I (there being then none of the multipliers a).


scale factor, number, multiplier factor,


Arabic numeral, Roman numeral, minority, majority,

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