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mulatto Meaning in Tamil ( mulatto வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நீக்ரோவுக்கும் வெள்ளையருக்கும் பிறந்தவர்,

mulatto தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


mulatto's Usage Examples:

Thus at the Rio Pongo there are numerous mulattos.

While Dessalines massacred the French in Cap Haitien, winning infamy among white historians, the mulattos plotted.

Vincent Oge, one of the mulatto delegates in Paris, disgusted at the overthrow of the hopes of his race, returned to San Domingo, and on landing in October 1790 addressed a letter to the governor announcing his intention of taking up arms on behalf of the mulattoes if their wrongs were not redressed.

There were in 1789 a number of mulattoes in Paris, who had come from San Domingo to assert the rights of the people of colour in that colony before the national assembly.

The town consists almost entirely of one-storeyed adobe huts inhabited by mulattoes and Indians, whose chief industry is the production of cochineal.

mulatto elite, who had heretofore believed in their innate superiority over the black masses.

Each census gave the gender, age and a designation of black or mulatto.

A red-black soil known as " mulatto " or tawny is perhaps the best fitted for general cultivation.

In that year there were in French St Domingo 480,000 blacks, 24,000 mulattoes and only 30,000 whites.

The Spanish and African cross is to be seen in the mulattoes, quadroons and octoroons that inhabit the warm coast cities.

mulatto woman in a black dress reads a hard white newspaper whose front page is a single big black headline.

Tobacco is most generally cultivated on loose red soils, which are rich in clays and silicates; and sugar-cane preferably on the black and mulatto soils; but in general, contrary to prevalent suppositions, colour is no test of quality and not a very valuable guide in the setting of crops.

in 1685), was humane in its spirit; but we are informed that its provisions were habitually disregarded by the planters, whilst the free mulattoes laboured under serious grievances and were exposed to irritating indignities.

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