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mucilaginous Meaning in Tamil ( mucilaginous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


mucilaginous தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இலைகள் ஒரு சில அரேபிய நாடுகளில் பிரபலமான மூலோகிய என்ற பெயருடைய முசிலாஜினஸ் போதெர்ப் எனும் உணவுப் பொருளில் ஓர் உள்ளீடாக (ஒரு நிச்சயமற்ற சொல்லிலக்கணம்) பயன்படுத்தப்படுகின்றன.

mucilaginous's Usage Examples:

There is usually distinguishable upon the surface of the oosphere an area free from chlorophyll, known as the receptive spot, at which the fusion with the antherozoid takes place; and in many cases, before fertilization, a small mucilaginous mass has been observed to separate itself off from the oosphere at this point and to escape through the pore.

Since the methods of preparing the vegetable and animal fats are comparatively crude ones, they usually contain certain impurities of one kind or another, such as colouring and mucilaginous matter, remnants of vegetable and animal tissues, 'c.

Enclosed within the sporocarp they can endure a period of drought, but on the return of moist conditions are extruded from the sporocarp by the swelling of a special mucilaginous tissue and the spores become free.

While there is a general tendency in the group to mucilaginous degeneration of the cell-wall, in Laminaria digitata there are also glands secreting a plentiful mucilage.

Gelatinous or mucilaginous degenerations of cell-walls are frequently employed in the interests of spore dispersal.

The taste is mucilaginous, sweetish and slightly bitter and aromatic.

Newly pressed rape oil has a dark sherry colour with, at first, scarcely any perceptible smell; but after resting a short time the oil deposits an abundant mucilaginous slime, and by taking up oxygen it acquires a peculiar disagreeable odour and an acrid taste.

They are then pressed in a large powerful screw-press, and the oily matter which flows out is caught, mixed with an equal proportion of water, and boiled to purify it from mucilaginous and albuminous matter.

Other resinous products are in their natural condition mixed with gum or mucilaginous substances and known as gum-resins.

The oil which exudes is mixed with water and heated till the water boils, and the mucilaginous matter in the oil separates as a scum.

On storing, moisture and mucilaginous matter gradually settle out.

The brown testa contains, in the outer of the four coats into which it is microscopically distinguishable, an abundant secretion of mucilaginous matter; and it has within it a thin layer of albumen, enclosing a pair of large oily cotyledons.


pasty, glutinous, sticky, gluey, gummy, viscid, adhesive, viscous,


nonadhesive, colorful, easy, dry, thin,

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