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mourned Meaning in Tamil ( mourned வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



mourned's Usage Examples:

He died on the 26th of September 1626, mourned alike by leaders in church and state.

), in which the disputed prophecies are already found, and to the Greek translation of the Wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach, which distinctly refers to Isaiah as the comforter of those that mourned in Zion (Eccles.

Frontenac died on the 28th of November 1698 at the Château St-Louis after a brief illness, deeply mourned by the Canadian people.

He was on friendly terms with many who were not Jews, and was so warmly devoted to his slave Tabi that when the latter died he mourned for him as for a beloved member of his own family.

After Badr he mourned the leaders of the Quraysh and visited Mecca to stir up a reprisal raid against the Muslims.

Should we be concerned that 90 percent of competitive female gymnasts get their first period a year or two late?Rick mourned, and retold the stories of the Russian Olympic gymnasts that the kites are named after.

In 2010, DOOL fans, characters and actors alike mourned Frances Reid's passing.

All three mourned as they hovered over Jackson's lifeless body.

changed by Artemis out of compassion into guinea fowls and removed to the island of Leros, where they mourned part of the year for their brother.

He was buried in Damascus and mourned by the whole East.

It is baptized and feted and mourned for like a human being at its death.

During this time Rome was horrorstruck by the mysterious murder of the young duke of Gandia, and the bereaved pope mourned his son with the wildest grief.


sorrow, grieve,


lose, allow, disrespect,

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