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mountainous Meaning in Tamil ( mountainous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மலைப்பிராந்திய, மலைகள் நிறைந்த,

mountainous தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

காங்க் ஃகோவாவின் மலைப்பிராந்தியத்தில் வாழ்ந்த விவசாயக்] குடும்பமொன்றில் அவதரித்தாள் பூநகர் அன்னை.

அவள் மீண்டும் தன் பெற்றோரைக் காண மலைப்பிராந்தியத்துக்குச் செல்ல முயன்றபோது அவள் கணவன் தடுத்தான்.

mountainous's Usage Examples:

There are valuable forests in the mountainous districts, a part of which has been set aside for preservation under the name of the Luquillo forest reserve.

We continue our journey through the interesting and often mountainous hinterland of Tanzania.

The Mejerda and its affluent the Mellegue, rivers of Tunisia, have their rise in Algeria, in the mountainous country east of Constantine.

In the mountainous districts and high plateaus are the grizzly, formerly more common, the black bear, the four-striped chipmunk and the yellow-haired porcupine.

Goats are mostly bred in the mountainous districts all along the Spanish side of the Pyrenees froth Biscay to Catalonia, and in Badajoz, Cceres, Ciudad Real, Granada and Leon; swine in Badajoz, Lugo, Oviedo, Cceres and Corunna.

As just indicated there are three distinctively mountainous districts, various minor groups lying outside these.

Neither the Romans nor the Turks had been able to subdue this square mountainous tract, of which Bougie, Setif, Aumale and Dellys form the four corners.

in width along the coast, and of a mountainous tract, falling steeply on the west and merging into a highland plateau which slopes gradually to the N.

It is of irregular form, consisting of two distinct mountainous parts, united by a low isthmus, which a slight subsidence would submerge.

On the north and north-west the Aures mountains of Algeria are prolonged into Tunisia, and constitute the mountainous region of the north, which lies between the Majerda river and the sea, and also includes the vicinity of the city of Tunis and the peninsula of the Dakhelat el Mawin, which terminates in Ras Addar (Cape Bon).

Spartacus now took up a strong position in the mountainous country of Petelia (near Strongoli in Calabria) and inflicted a severe defeat on the vanguard of the pursuing army.

How could I improve the aspect of the plan that you disagree with the most?Though less mountainous than the other islands, its aspect is barren.


big, large,


slippery, small, little,

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