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more Meaning in Tamil ( more வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

விஞ்சி மிகையளவான

more's Usage Examples:

Hence, as current fattening food-stuffs go - assuming, of course, that they are not abnormally low in the nitrogenous constituents - they are, as foods, more valuable in proportion to their richness in digestible and available nonnitrogenous than to that of their nitrogenous constituents.

These alloys are harder, more fusible and more sonorous than pure gold.

When Linds finally admitted to the split, she claimed it to be a "short break," but with Ronson changing her locks and reportedly hiring extra security to keep Lohan out of her digs, it's looking a bit more permanent.

senilis, a Mexican plant, which though seldom seen more than a foot or two in height in greenhouses, reaches from 20 ft.

How many many times have the visionaries of the Virgin been children?visionarye is led by a proven team of technology visionaries who have developed best-in-class Windows applications for more than 15 years.

From that time for nearly six hundred years or more the Esthonians were practically reduced to a state of serfdom to the German landowners.

Daventry >>The only place of this name we know is Daventry, but it seems more probable that Patrick's home is to be sought near the Severn, and Rhys conjectures that one of the three places called Banwen in Glamorganshire may be intended.

'They are quickly excreted in the urine, rendering it alkaline and thus more able to hold uric acid in solution.

The goggles get more expensive as the technology advances, so the different generations of digital goggles available allow people to choose the brand that will provide the best nighttime vision at the most affordable price.

Among the more illustrious of his pupils may be mentioned South, Dryden, Locke, Prior and Bishop Atterbury.

The dean's religious opinions were so much more liberal than those of the contemporary clergy (whose ignorance and corruption he denounced) that they deemed him little better than a heretic; but William Warham, the archbishop, refused to prosecute him.

163) maintains that "he was himself not a Pietist," as he did not advocate the quietistic, legalistic and semi-separatist practices of Pietism, though they were more or less involved in the positions he assumed or the practices which he encouraged or connived at.

Perhaps the converse is more feasible in some circumstances - that is to say, preventing mosquitoes from having access to malarial persons, and so propagating the parasite in themsevles.


to a greater extent,


slight, less,

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