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moistened Meaning in Tamil ( moistened வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



moistened தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

மேற்பரப்பு அலைகள், நுண்குழாய் நுழைவு, ஈரமாக்குதல், சிற்றலைகள் போன்றவை பரப்பு இழுவிசையின் காரணத்தால் உருவாகும் பிற விளைவுகளாகும்.

இதனை வாய் எச்சிலில் ஈரமாக்குவர்.

பொதுவாக திரவம் புறப்பரப்பை ஈரமாக்கும் போது இது ஏற்படுகிறது).

இவை அழுக்கு நீக்கிகள் அல்லது ஈரமாக்கும் முகவர்களாகச் செயல்படுகின்றன.

இந்தப் புல்லின் நுனியில் பூத்துக் காய்திருக்கும் கொத்தைப் பறித்து வாய் எச்சிலால் ஈரமாக்குவர்.

ஈரமாக்கும் பண்பும் நீர்மங்களுக்கு மட்டுமே உண்டு.

செங்கல் சூலைகளில் இது ஈரமாக்கும் முகவராக பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது.

முளைப்பதற்கு சில நாட்களுக்கு முன்னர் விதையை ஈரமாக்குகிறது.

மேற்பரப்பு அலைகள், மயிர்த்துளைத்தாக்கம், ஈரமாக்கும், மற்றும் இயல்பு மேற்பரப்பில் பதற்றம் மற்ற விளைவுகளாகும்.

moistened's Usage Examples:

In this process the purified ore is mixed with about one-fifth of its weight of a noncaking coal or anthracite smalls, the mixture being moistened to prevent it from being blown off by the draught, and is then fused on the sole of a reverberatory furnace for five or six hours.

The first experiment which he has recorded was the construction of a voltaic pile with seven halfpence, seven disks of sheet zinc, and six pieces of paper moistened with salt water.

Keep down red spider (Acarus) in the more advanced houses by frequent syringings and a well-moistened atmosphere.

Remove black scuff marks from white leather boots by rubbing them with a slightly moistened cloth dipped in baking soda.

Leeuwenhoek, in 1719, made the remarkable discovery, since abundantly confirmed, that many animalculae, notably tardigrades and rotifers, may be completely desiccated and remain in that condition for long periods without losing the power of awaking to active life when moistened with water.

I always have one bottle of alcohol and cotton balls, or I buy the pre-moistened alcohol pads so that if the dogs get overheated I can simply wet down only the pads of their paws and this will cool them down very fast.

- In this process moistened gold ores are treated with chlorine gas, the resulting gold chloride dissolved out with water, and the gold precipitated with ferrous sulphate, charcoal, sulphuretted hydrogen or otherwise.

"The materials required are iron borings, sal-ammoniac and sulphur; these are mixed together, moistened with water, and rammed into the socket, which is previously half filled with yarn, well caulked.

Once skin has been moistened, many people apply a shaving cream or foam to the surface to help lubricate and encourage an even glide.

During his reign the Tibetans obtained their first knowledge of arithmetic and medicine from China; the prosperity and pastoral wealth of the country were so great that " the king built his palace with cement moistened with the milk of the cow and the yak.

Klei), commonly defined as a fine-grained, almost impalpable substance, very soft, more or less coherent when dry, plastic and retentive of water when wet; it has an "earthy" odour when breathed upon or moistened, and consists essentially of hydrous aluminium silicate with various impurities.

Experiments show that pure cultures, when mixed with garden soil constantly moistened short of saturation and kept in the dark at a temperature of 14° C.

The Chinese prepare a rouge, said to be from safflower, which, spread on the cards on which it is sold, has a brilliant metallic green lustre, but when moistened and applied to the skin assumes a delicate carmine tint.


humidify, moisturise, dampen, wash, wet, moisturize, baste,


sober, dryness, dehydrate, dehumidify, dry,

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