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miscall Meaning in Tamil ( miscall வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

தவறாகப் பெயரிட்டழை

miscall's Usage Examples:

The instinct reaches its highest development in the phenomenon miscalled "death feigning.

On the 10th a silver casket containing letters and French verses, miscalled sonnets, in the handwriting of the queen, was taken from the person of a servant who had been sent by Bothwell to bring it from Edinburgh to Dunbar.

On the coast of Loch Nell, or Ardmucknish Bay, is the vitrified fort of Beregonium, not to be confounded with Rerigonium (sometimes miscalled Berigonium) on Loch Ryan in Wigtownshire - a town of the Novantae Picts, identified with Innermessan.

POTTO, the native name of the West African slow-lemurs, popularly miscalled "sloths," and scientifically known as Perodicticus, a name referring to the aborted condition of the index finger, which forms their most distinctive feature.

There are, however, several species of euphorbia of the miscalled cacti.

The choice was sometimes made early in the reign, when the heir held the title of "Chao Uparach" or "Wang Na," miscalled "Second King" in English, and sometimes was left until the death of the king was imminent.

GAUR, the native name of the wild ox, Bos (Bibos) gaurus, of India, miscalled bison by sportsmen.

Out of the Rule of Faith there came in time what tradition miscalls the Apostles' Creed - the Roman baptismal creed, a formulary of great importance in all the West; then other creeds, which also are in a sense expansions of the Rule of Faith.

Of native fruits the misple (Vangueria infausta), miscalled the wild medlar, is of excellent flavour.

The Indians are mostly members of the following tribes: the Piegan, the Crow, the Salish (or Flathead), the Sioux, the Assiniboin, the Arapaho Atsina (miscalled Grosventres) and the Northern Cheyenne.


misname, call,


demobilize, cause to sleep, put option,

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