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miner Meaning in Tamil ( miner வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சுரங்க தொழிலாளி,

miner தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அவர் சிறிது காலம் சுரங்க தொழிலாளியாக பணியாற்றினார், பின் டெரிடொரியல் என்டர்பிரைஸ் எனும் பத்திரிக்கையில் வேலை செய்தார்.

miner's Usage Examples:

The rocks of its lower half are mainly granite and gneiss; its upper half is composed of porphyritic greenstone, and a variety of minerals occur.

Phosphorite, when occurring in large deposits, is a mineral of much economic value for conversion into the superphosphate largely used as a fertilizing agent.

The finely powdered and washed mineral is too crystalline and consequently of insufficient opacity to be used alone as a paint, and is therefore mixed with "white lead," of which material it is also used as an adulterant.

The principal uses of rape oil are for lubrication and lighting; but since the introduction of mineral oils for both these purposes the importance of rape has considerably decreased.

The dominating ambition of his life was to achieve fame, but though that sometimes betrayed him into petty jealousy, it did not leave him insensible to the claims on his knowledge of the "cause of humanity," to use a phrase often employed by him in connexion with his invention of the miners' lamp.

Of the bulkier and less valuable minerals Colombia has copper, iron, manganese, lead, zinc and mercury.

Glasser, "Les Richesses minerales de la Nouvelle Caledonie," Ann.

The association and distribution of gold may be considered under two different heads, namely, as it occurs in mineral veins - " reef gold," and in alluvial or other superficial deposits which are derived from the waste of the former - " alluvial gold.

Other pairs of isomorphous argentiferous minerals are: the cubic polybasite, 9Ag2S Sb2S3, and pearceite, 9Ag2S As2S3; and the germanium minerals argyrodite, 4Ag 2 S GeS2, and canfieldite, 4Ag 2 S (Sn, Ge) S2.

Maybe some miner lost his finger and when they rushed him to a doctor the severed piece was lost.

The value of other minerals produced in 1908 was as follows: Granite, "297,874; clay, "110,636; and monazite, " 1 3,4 4.

Among the commonest associates of the diamond are quartz, topaz, tourmaline, rutile, zircon, magnetite, garnet, spinel and other minerals which are common accessory constituents of granite, gneiss and the crystalline schists.


strip miner, gold miner, manual laborer, labourer, placer miner, gold digger, jack, mineworker, pitman, laborer, collier, prospector, coal miner, gold panner,


man, lower,

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