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minaret Meaning in Tamil ( minaret வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மசூதியின் மெல்லிய உயர்ந்த கோபுரம், மசூதி ஸ்தூபி,

minaret's Usage Examples:

An old Moorish minaret has been turned into a clock tower.

A ruined mosque with a tall minaret stands by the river-brink.

Of the principal mosques the large Buyuk Djamia, with nine metal cupolas, has become the National Museum; the Tcherna Djamia or Black Mosque, latterly used as a prison, has been transformed into a handsome church; the Banyabashi Djamia, with its picturesque minaret, is still used by Moslem worshippers.

The great mosque (Jamaa-el-Kebir) has a brick minaret 112 ft.

Damghan was an important city in the middle ages, but only a ruined mosque with a number of massive columns and some fine wood carvings and two minarets of the 11th century remain of that period.

The minaret is 90 ft.

The Roman Catholic cathedral of St Peter and St Paul, built in 1361, is distinguished by a minaret, recalling the time when it was used as a mosque by the Turks (1672-1699).

The minaret was built by Abu Tachfin, sultan of Tlemcen, in 1324.

It has a population of about 10,000, post and telegraph offices, and a fine minaret, built in the 12th century.

Over the western archway was a white cage for the muazzin, and outside it was a gigantic minaret 120 ft.

It is a huge ornate building with minarets and a lofty cupola faced with shining blue tiles.

There are several bazaars, baths and handsome mosques, one noted for its lofty minaret, and here the American Presbyterian mission has established a college for both sexes.

Only the minaret of the mosque, dating from the 14th century, and the battlemented wall, flanked by two towers, remain of its former magnificence.


tower, mosque,



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