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militate Meaning in Tamil ( militate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

பேரில் பங்கெடுத்துக்கொள்


(சான்று வகையில்) எதிர்க்கும் திறன் கொண்டிரு,

militate's Usage Examples:

The complexity of composition militates in a great measure against a rational classification of albumins by purely chemical considerations.

militated against tough action on this.

militate against the view that Josephus was the author.

militated against the development of citizens ' rights.

This situation militated greatly against that leader's cherished policy, and led him to a bitter criticism of the president on the floor of the Senate.

This instrument, which has a magnification of 2200, detects the slightest tremors, and is consequently most useful in recording earthquakes of distant origin; its high sensitiveness and complications, however, militate against its common use.

Every year is attended by fresh " discoveries " in this prolific source of elementary substances, but the paucity of materials and the predilections of the investigators militate in some measure against a just valuation being accorded to such researches.

militate the researches of M.

These facts militate strongly against the importance which was once attached to the dentition in the classification of the tailless batrachians.

But he only appointed a commander to take charge of both columns at the last moment, and the want of a clear understanding as to what was to be done militated against success from the first.

3, 4 (61) Kai rt icis iwp'Kayev Ev Tn irpwrl') rtXtKia) militate against this interpretation, for elsewhere Irenaeus himself distinctly says" triginta annorum aetas prima indoles est juvenis "(ii.

It is almost colourless and has a small coefficient of expansion; its hygroscopic properties, its viscous character, and its action on the skin, however, militate against its use.


work, influence, act upon,


powerlessness, dissuade, dispose, indispose,

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