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midship Meaning in Tamil ( midship வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

கப்பல் அடைப்பகுதி

midship's Usage Examples:

King, who had been a midshipman in the navy, Farewell visited Port Natal, St Lucia and Delagoa Bays.

A fierce fire had broken out amidships in the " Good Hope " and was increasing in brilliance.

NAPOLEON MOSCOW, OCTOBER 30, 1812When, however, the Civil War began, he volunteered into the navy, was rated acting master's mate, and became a midshipman in October 1861, and a lieutenant in July 1862, serving in the North Atlantic blockading squadron.

midshipmanercised his own power to get them made midshipmen on Assistant, not Providence.

Brooke, a midshipman of the U.

midshipmanand midshipmen's uniform was unaltered apart from the buttons, which were the same as captains ' .

Naval Academy in 1881, served two years as midshipman, then resigned from the navy and became a civil engineer.

He entered the navy as midshipman (1799) with his father, Christopher Raymond Perry (1761-1818), a captain in the navy, and saw service against the Barbary pirates.

amidships section to the port side is a lone sanitary area.

In Sweden the few farms of the Swedes who inhabit the region are on the lake shores, and the traveller must be rowed from one to another in the typical boats of the district, pointed at bow and stern, unusually low amidships, and propelled by short sculls or paddles.

the two propellers, which were comparatively very large,'being placed amidships, so to speak.

He entered the United States Navy as a midshipman in 1818, and became a lieutenant in 1826.

His first service was under Lord Cochrane (afterwards tenth earl of Dundonald) in the famous "Imperieuse," and no midshipman ever had a livelier apprenticeship to the sea.

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