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mersion Meaning in Tamil ( mersion வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தனிமுறை கருத்துப்பாங்கு,

mersion's Usage Examples:

In the West trine immersion was generally held to be symbolic of the triune name of "Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Hypothermia from submersion in very cold water requires special handling to protect the heart.

for twenty or thirty hours; it should then be magnetized to saturation, and finally " aged " by a second immersion in steam for about five hours.

Even if we allow for the difficulty of representing complete submersion in art, it is nevertheless clear that it was not insisted on; nor were the earliest fonts, to judge from the ruins of them, large and deep enough for such an usage.

Succulent specimens, as many of the Orchidaceae and seduins and various other Crassulaceous plants, require to be killed by immersion in boiling water before being placed in drying paper, or, instead of becoming dry, they will grow between the sheets.

He carefully studied also the history of the ant and was the first to show that what had been commonly reputed to be "ants' eggs" are really their pupae, containing the perfect insect nearly ready for emersion, whilst the true eggs are far smaller, and give origin to "maggots" or larvae.

He insisted on baptizing children by trine immersion, and refused the Communion to a pious German because he had not been baptized by a minister who had been episcopally ordained.

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Charles's "immersion in the Polish bog" (1702-1707), as Peter phrased it, enabled the tsar, not without considerable expense and trouble, to conquer Ingria and lay the foundations of St Petersburg.

He instances the blessing of the water of baptism, of the oil of anointing and of the baptizand himself, the use of anointing him with oil, trine immersion, the formal renunciation of Satan and his angels.

The trinitarian formula and trine immersion were not uniformly used from the beginning, nor did they always go together.

The earliest literary notices of baptism are far from conclusive in favour of submersion, and are often to be regarded as merely rhetorical.

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