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manifesto Meaning in Tamil ( manifesto வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கொள்கை விளக்க அறிவிப்பு,

manifesto's Usage Examples:

In August he joined with Spain and Holland in a manifesto against France, while secretly for a million livres he engaged himself to Louis, and in 1682 he proposed himself as arbitrator with the intention of treacherously handing over Luxemburg to France, an offer which was rejected owing to Spanish suspicions of collusion.

Prince Mirski resigned, his resignation being immediately followed by a reactionary imperial manifesto reaffirming the principle of autocracy (February 18th).

The Emperor now made a last despairing attempt; a manifesto of Oct.

311-312, states that clause of Brunswick's manifesto was "drafted" by Marie Antoinette, i.

From this time forward he was engaged in a ceaseless polemic against every fresh advance of the Napoleonic power and pretensions; with matchless sarcasm he lashed "the nerveless policy of the courts, which suffer indignity with resignation"; he denounced the recognition of Napoleon's imperial title, and drew up a manifesto of Louis XVIII.

By the manifesto of the 17/30th of October 1905 the emperor voluntarily limited his legislative power by decreeing that no measure was to become law without the consent of the Imperial Duma, a freely elected national assembly.

Pledging his lands, he crossed the Alps and issued a manifesto at Verona setting forth his claim on Sicily.

Then with the unerring official memory that characterized him he repeated from the opening words of the manifesto:Our unerring ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

"The main difference between these, the first of a long series of articles of religion and the ancient creeds, lies in the fact that they are manifestoes embodying creeds and answering more than one purpose.

Then he completed the plan: he read the letter to the Assembly; it was ordered to be printed, became the manifesto of disaffection, and was circulated everywhere.

Apart from publishing an occasional Op-Ed or signing the odd manifesto, they were stuck on the sidelines, watching with dismay.

The house of parliament was bombarded, and when the Majlis appointed commissioners to discuss terms, the shah issued a manifesto dissolving the Majlis, and entrusted the restoration of order in Teheran to military administrators.


pronunciamento, declaration,



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