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manganate Meaning in Tamil ( manganate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


manganate's Usage Examples:

The solution is then ready for titration with the standard permanganate solution.

I gave the shank a quick wipe down with potassium permanganate solution to make the patterns stand out.

230), in which air is drawn over a heated mixture of manganese dioxide and sodium hydroxide, the sodium manganate so formed being then heated to about 450° C.

The ortho-compound may be obtained by oxidizing ortho-nitrocinnamic acid with alkaline potassium permanganate in the presence of benzene; or from ortho - nitrobenzyl chloride by condensing it with aniline, oxidizing the product so obtained to ortho-nitrobenzylidine aniline, and then hydrolysing this compound with an acid (Farben fabrik d.

: H (?), monovalent; the halogens F, Cl, Br, I, usually monovalent, but possibly also triand pentavalent; Mn, divalent and trivalent, and possibly heptavalent in permanganates.

Permanganates are the salts of permanganic acid, HMnO 4.

Potassium permanganate oxidizes it to urea (R.

Potassium permanganate oxidizes it to pyridazine tetracarboxylic acid.

The solution is strongly oxidizing, even converting manganous salts to permanganates in the cold, a property not possessed by monopersulphuric acid.

The precipitate is dissolved in boiling water, decolorized by potassium permanganate and decomposed by barium carbonate.

The usual test for solutions of aconitine consists in slight acidulation with acetic acid and addition of potassium permanganate, which causes the formation of a red crystalline precipitate.

The potassium salt, KMnO 4, may be prepared by passing chlorine or carbon dioxide through an aqueous solution of potassium manganate, or by the electrolytic oxidation of the manganate at the anode [German patent 101710 (1898)].

He obtained selenic acid in 1827 and showed that its salts are isomorphous with the sulphates, while a few years later he proved that the same thing is true of the manganates and the sulphates, and of the permanganates and the perchlorates.





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