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manes Meaning in Tamil ( manes வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இறந்தவர் ஆவி,

manes's Usage Examples:

Nevertheless, largely under the influence of the exaggeration of the conservation of energy, many psychologists - Wundt, Paulsen, Riehl, Jodl, Ebbinghaus, Miinsterberg, and in England Lewes, Clifford, Romanes, Stout - have accepted Fechner's psychophysical parallelism, as far at least as men and animals are concerned.

In the reign of Darius, however, the Susianians attempted to revolt, first under Assina or Atrina, the son of Umbadara, and later under Martiya, the son of Issainsakria, who called himself Immanes; but they gradually became completely Aryanized, and their agglutinative dialects were supplanted by the Aryan Persian from the south-east.

"the Manifest [god]"; parodied Epimanes, " the mad"), who reigned 176-164.

Shalmaneser died suddenly in Tebet 722 B.

The ruined church at Longpont (13th century) is the relic of an important Cistercian abbey; Urcel and Mont-Notre-Dame have fine churches, the first entirely in the Romanesque style, the second dating from the 12th and 13th centuries, to which period the church at Braisne also belongs.

1878; for that of the Mahommedans, see L Petit, Les Confreres musulmanes (Paris, 1899), and E.

possesses a massive black tower, built of blocks of lava, and in the courtyard is an interesting chapel, in Romanesque style with fantastic ornamentations, which was finished in the 13th century.

differ by their smooth and outwardly or downwardly directed horns, broad bristly muzzles, heavy manes and long horse-like tails.

The Palazzo del Comune is Romanesque (12th century), but has been restored.

3 and 5 imply two attacks by Shalmaneser: in the first of which Hoshea was imprisoned and perhaps blinded (Cheyne, emending, "shut him up" in v.

The church of Our Lady, a late Romanesque building, has two ancient crypts and a 13thcentury choir of exceptional beauty, but the nave suffered severely from a restoration in 1764.


lion, hair, encolure, Panthera leo, king of beasts,


civilian, female, juvenile, woman, nonhuman,

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