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mandibular Meaning in Tamil ( mandibular வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



mandibular's Usage Examples:

cataphractus is the common crocodile of West Africa, easily recognised by the slender snout which resembles that of the gavial, but the mandibular symphysis does not reach beyond the eighth tooth.

The quadrato-mandibular joint is placed in a level far behind the occiput.

17), is the mouth or oral piece; the second, explained by the presence of a " latent endoderm-group " in those the antennal segment; the third, the intercalary or prae-mandibular invaginations.

The five pairs of appendages of the post-oral somites of the head or prosoma thus constituted all primitively carry gnathobasic projections on their coxal joints, which act as hemignaths: in the more specialized forms the mandibular gnathobases cease to develop.

The Ostracoda might have been derived from the same stock were it not that they retain the mandibular palp which all the Phyllopods have lost.

Important local growth disturbances including mandibular hypoplasia, and limb and digit length discrepancies may occur.

He offers the SomnoMed mandibular advancement splint (MAS) which treats mild and moderate sleep apnea by moving the lower jaw forward during sleep.

All of these are to be regarded as primitively post-oral, but in the course of development the mouth moves back to the mandibular segment, so that the first three somitesocular, antennal and intercalary - lie in front of it.

The presence, in some genera, of a second row of mandibular teeth seems to indicate the former existence of a splenial element, such as exists in Siren among the Caudata and apparently in the labyrinthodonts.

These may be formed by the modification of almost any of the appendages, often the antennules or antennae or some of the thoracic limbs, or even the mandibular palps (some Ostracoda).

The prosthetics may be cosmetic or they can treat disorders such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and sleep apnea.

The poison-bag lies on the side of the head between the eye and the mandibular joint and is held in position by strong ligaments which are attached to this joint and to the maxilla so that the act of opening the jaws and concomitant erection of the fangs automatically squeezes the poison out of the glands.

The latericon and mandibular unguis are black, contrasting considerably with the yellow on the bill.





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