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mallets Meaning in Tamil ( mallets வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



mallets தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


mallets's Usage Examples:

The soft percussion mallets are the low rumbles of winds echoing across the still night.

Since most schools and musical groups provide the instruments, what percussionists need to concern themselves with are mallets and drum sticks.

The perforation of the paper when done by hand is usually performed by means of small mallets, but at the central telegraph office in London, and at other large offices, the keys are only used for opening air-valves, the actual punching being done by pneumatic pressure.

It was carried off in carts to open spaces, where an exposure of some weeks to the air was found to pulverize the hard rock far more efficiently than the old method of crushing with mallets.

During these wanderings, Pierre noticed that he was spoken of now as the "Seeker," now as the "Sufferer," and now as the "Postulant," to the accompaniment of various knockings with mallets and swords.

brutish husband and his fat hands like mallets.

They are then taken out and repeatedly turned over in the sun until perfectly dried, and afterwards beaten by mallets on stone slabs.

In Germany wooden mallets were used in the synagogue to beat the benches when Haman's name was read out from the scroll of Esther, and during the festivities these mallets were sometimes used on the heads of the bystanders.

Willarski coughed, he was answered by the masonic knock with mallets, the doors opened before them.

It can seldom be obtained in large portions, and has the disadvantage of being apt to warp; its great hardness, however, renders it valuable for the manufacture of various articles, such as the cogs of mill-wheels, flails and mallets, and handles of hammers.


polo stick, croquet mallet, sports implement, polo mallet,


intrusive, stay in place,

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